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Choosing the Best Dining Chairs in New Zealand

Trying to shop for the best dining chairs in New Zealand can be a challenging yet rewarding task. With so many unique options available, it's important to weigh factors like style, comfort, quality, and budget. This guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring you order a comfortable, functional, and stylish dining chair for your home.

Indoor or outdoor

First, decide if your furniture is for indoor or outdoor use. An outdoor chair should be made of weather-resistant materials and have robust construction. An indoor chair, on the other hand, offers more flexibility in design and material choices. For example, upholstered leather chairs suit indoor environments, while metal or treated wicker is great for the outdoors. You could even consider using bench seats instead of traditional chairs if your dining area is outdoors.


Consider your dining area style

Whether you prefer contemporary looks or more classic styles, ensure your chairs complement your room's decor. For instance, a sleek, simple dining chair can enhance a modern dining area, while an ornate, wood chair might be a better choice for a traditional setting. Likewise, consider if the colours of your dining chair will match the rest of the room.

Pick the right material

Picking the right seat material is important for your dining chairs' durability and aesthetic appeal. Wood, metal, plastic, and upholstered styles (such as leather and other fabrics) each have their own benefits. For example, an oak chair is easy to clean and can offer beautiful detail in its design. Meanwhile, leather and fabric chairs are a great choice for comfort.

Test for comfort

It's vital to pick a dining chair crafted to be comfortable. Look for a dining chair designed with supportive backrests and well-padded seats. The height of the chair's body in relation to your dining table is also essential for ensuring your family, especially children, can relax comfortably. We suggest testing each option out beforehand.


Choose the right size

The size of your dining chairs should be proportional to your dining table and room. Check the dimensions of both chairs and the table, allowing enough space for easy movement. Make sure you create a comfortable setup where your legs won't be cramped.

Set a budget

Before you start looking to purchase a dining chair, make sure you set a budget. This helps in focusing your search and avoiding overspending. But remember, investing in quality and durability can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Choosing the best dining chairs in New Zealand involves careful consideration of style, comfort, material, size, and budget. By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can make a well-informed decision that not only enhances your family dinners but also adds character to your dining room or outdoor area.

Visit Poynters, New Zealand's best luxury furniture shop, to explore a stunning range of dining chair options and find a great addition for your home. Feel free to enquire for more information on our products – we're always happy to help.